Sunday, July 1, 2012

Getting Healthy Part 20+

Catchy title, huh? Feel like you've missed something? Well, let me tell've missed absolutely nothing up to this point. Today, that all changed! Today, I have decided to pack my bags and leave this unhealthy lifestyle behind me. I have tried and tried to do this before but always my way at my time and on my terms. That hasn't gotten me very far...and caused those who love me most a whole lot of pain. Today I started a healthy eating plan. Now I know it has only been one day, but everything starts one day at a time. I have already planned my tomorrow and am embracing being healthy. I must admit that I am not happy with myself right now and I know that makes Father sad because He loves me and created me in His image. I acknowledge that I haven't done a very good job of taking care of His temple. Today has been a fresh start. The first day of the month, the first day of the week. I am tankful for another chance. Do you need another chance? God is standing with open arms saying "You got it!" hold me accountable on this journey. I cannot do it alone, been there...done that...failed miserably! I am excited to see results from making good choices! Love you all.

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