Friday, July 13, 2018

Joseph...Admirable or not

Is Joseph of an admirable character?  I think this is a loaded question.  My initial reaction is that of course Joseph is of an admirable character.  He was a devoted son.  He was blessed and used by God to save millions of people.  He was honest and helpful to others who he came into contact with.  He always looked for the best in others.  However, as I sit and really think about this question, my mind goes to seeing Joseph from his brothers' eyes...not my own.  My eyes are clouded with the outcome of his story.  I have the privilege of reading his entire story, thus seeing how God worked in Joseph and the impact Joseph had on the years following.  Joseph clearly did not make the right choices regarding his family but in the end, his bones were carried into the Promised Land.   God works all things for the good of those who love Him.

Joseph was a spoiled young boy.  He was CLEARLY his father's favorite.  Did Jacob learn nothing from his own childhood/adolescence about NOT having favorites?  He (Jacob) did after all have to flee his country for manipulating Esau for the birthright (Genesis 25:29-33) and stealing Esau's blessing (Genesis 27).  One would think that Jacob would have shared these stories so that his children didn't make the same mistakes...and certainly would not have made those very mistakes.  Joseph made no mistake about telling his brothers about his dreams, where they were going to bow down to him...that he was going to be above them, ruling over them.  These are not things that needed to be shared.  They were bragging statements...and I don't believe that bragging is admirable.

Moving forward in Joseph's life, for him to never send people to check on his family, his father who loved him most, Benjamin who was left with that jealous group of brothers; that just doesn't make sense to me.  Regardless of what his brothers did to him, he knew that at least Reuben and Judah wished him no harm.  After all, they were the two who suggested the pit and then the selling him into slavery.  Reuben detoured the brothers from killing Joseph (Genesis 37:21).  Judah encouraged his brothers to sell Joseph out of the pit (Genesis 37:26-27).  How did he just move forward and not search them out?  I am aware that his roles may have prohibited him for a period of time, but to never send anyone to check on them, that isn’t admirable.

However, in looking through the entire Scripture of Joseph’s life, one thing remains clear and admirable about Joseph.  Throughout everything, he remained faithful to God.  From losing his mother at a very young age, to being hated and despised by some of his siblings, to being sold into slavery, to being wrongly accused of sexual inappropriateness, to jail…Joseph never wavered in his faith.  He remained focused on God and faithful to Him.  Joseph was confident that God had a plan for him and would see him through all these adversities.  I am realizing that Joseph wasn’t perfect and did the best he could with the hand he was given.  May I remain as faithful to God in adversity as Joseph did.  Was he admirable?  Absolutely!

All Actions have Consequences

This text speaks to all readers, but in different ways.  As an individual, one could realize from this passage the importance of learning from the past, learning from mistakes, remembering the provision of God, as well as why it is important to manage anger in appropriate ways.  How often do we as individuals mirror the behavior of the Israelites, whining and complaining to God about a need, yet forgetting that He has supplied before and will supply again?  One only needs to ask.  One tends to forget that God is ever present, willing to supply if only we ask.  Instead we complain and feel sorry for ourselves.  

    In regards to the thought “not sinning in your anger”, Moses struggled with anger issues from the start.  God patiently worked with him, as with others who struggle with anger.  Moses never really learned this lesson.  He'd been angry for at least forty years.  He left Egypt when his anger found him out.  He became angry at Pharaoh for not keeping his word over and over again.  He became angry over and over again at the Israelites.  This text provides the last straw for God regarding Moses lack of anger management.  

    As a leader, this passage speaks volumes to how one is to conduct him/herself.  As a leader, one's public act of disobedience shrinks God's glory.  Anger, disobedience and unbelief go hand in hand.  Actions speak louder than words.  Those in leadership live under a microscope. A leader's actions are always dissected and criticized.  Moses was no different.  Those following him reminded him over and over again of what they believed to be poor leadership skills, decisions.  He was constantly questioned and criticized for doing what God had directed him to do.  

   This is also a good lesson for leaders to realize that they are not indispensable.  Yahweh saw fit to remove Moses and replace him.  God, foreknowing the damage one sin could cause, was not found short-changed to meed the need that resulted from sin in the life of His leader.  While it is never God's will for one of His representatives to be disqualified, God in His holiness demands that His standards be upheld and replacements be made as necessary.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Getting Healthy Part 20+

Catchy title, huh? Feel like you've missed something? Well, let me tell've missed absolutely nothing up to this point. Today, that all changed! Today, I have decided to pack my bags and leave this unhealthy lifestyle behind me. I have tried and tried to do this before but always my way at my time and on my terms. That hasn't gotten me very far...and caused those who love me most a whole lot of pain. Today I started a healthy eating plan. Now I know it has only been one day, but everything starts one day at a time. I have already planned my tomorrow and am embracing being healthy. I must admit that I am not happy with myself right now and I know that makes Father sad because He loves me and created me in His image. I acknowledge that I haven't done a very good job of taking care of His temple. Today has been a fresh start. The first day of the month, the first day of the week. I am tankful for another chance. Do you need another chance? God is standing with open arms saying "You got it!" hold me accountable on this journey. I cannot do it alone, been there...done that...failed miserably! I am excited to see results from making good choices! Love you all.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Memory Lane of Easter

This is a blog I wrote on April 11, 2007....Such a sweet memory!!!

Okay. So we were driving home from church (White Rock Fellowship) on Sunday and Stephen (my 5 year old) shared the following revelation with me.

"The Easter bunny's cousin was in Sunday's Cool today. He said that Easter is not about the bunny. He said that Easter is about Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but don't panic mom, he's not dead. Easter is about celebrating that Jesus came back to life." Stephen went on to tell me that the Easter bunny throws fits by making messes in people's yard with eggs and candy just trying to get attention. "Kinda like Mary does." Mary then piped in with "I'm not throwing a fit." Stephen confirmed to her that though she wasn't throwing a fit right then, that she does in fact throw fits to get attention. So funny!!!

So to sum up my son's words...The true meaning of Easter is that Jesus died for each one of us and that we celebrate his coming back to life on Easter. It's not about the Easter bunny who just wants attention. Our attention needs to be on Jesus who loved us more than life itself. WOW!!!

I am emotional when I hear the gospel coming from my young children. They are sponges, soaking up everything that they see and hear. I am honored that Jesus would entrust them to me. My prayer is that all that I say and do mirrors that of Christ and that my kids continue to learn how much God loves them. I am so BLESSED!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Always a student...

Today has been a great day. I love my career as a therapist. I know that is what I am to be doing in this season of my life. I know that I make a difference in the lives of others....not everyone, but some most people. I am not questioning my journey or wanting to take a different track...but today....I have loved today.

Today I was a student in the full sense. I have sat in class today...discussing Old Testament and Theology...two different classes. I have been able to just sit and soak up the teaching and discussions of others. I have not been the one with the answers today...and I am okay with that. I have been the one thinking of questions....and seeking answers....

I love being in the classroom. I really feel free in the classroom. This probably seems crazy to others...but I love to learn. I love to be in school, learning.

I believe that we are all students, all the time. We are constantly in the state of learning, we just don't recognize it.....However, when learning is the don't miss it. We miss so much when we lose the perspective of learning....We get wrapped up in living that we miss the learning. Today, I didn't miss the learning...I soaked it up!!!

And I get to do it again tomorrow!!! YAY for me!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Real promises in the midst of Fear

Have you ever had the thought "I know God doesn't give me more than I can handle, but I really think He has me confused with someone else."? If I am completely honest, I have had that thought more than once.

The reality is that God is still on the throne.
The reality is that God doesn't give more than you can handle...with His help!
The reality is that this world is NOT our home, but a stop on the journey to eternity.
The reality is that God believes more in me than I believe in myself.
The reality is that we will go through trials and struggles in this life but HE has overcome this world.

I continue to be amazed at how often my human-ness takes over and I forget that God has already taken care of whatever I am concerned about. He has not promised that I will always be happy. He has not promised that I will always be healthy. He has promised that He will be with me every step of the way.

The reality is that it is sometimes those steps that we have to walk that are the most scary, even when we are in His arms. Speaking personally and frankly, when I am scared, that is it, I am scared. Even as a child, when I was afraid, the fear didn't subside simply because I woke up. It didn't subside simply because I was in my parent's arms. It didn't subside when I was in my husband's arms. It didn't subside when I prayed. My fear subsided when I realized that everything was okay or going to be okay or when there was a plan.

This is new information to most people as I kept this very private until I had more information. I had a mammogram on January 11, 2012. There was absolutely no concern. It was simply a requirement for my insurance company. I went to the exam expecting it to be uneventful and that I would be fine. There is no history of breast cancer in my family. I had not felt anything abnormal, no signs...thus was confident that it would come back fine. The next day, my fear started. I got the call for additional mammogram due to the results being concerning. They couldn't get me in for 7 days, which is 7 days for my mind to take over.

I believe I did a great job keeping positive for the most part. However, there was much fear within. I knew that whatever the results were, that God was in charge and that as long as I relied on Him, I would get through this. All I had to get through was the next test. I just kept telling myself that. I stayed strong on the outside but was fearful on the inside.

My test came back fine. I am healthy and strong. I believe the lesson for me was to stay in the moment on God's lap, listening and believing that all was going to be fine....Not that I would be healthy but that I would not be alone. The lesson was that I needed to focus on living life for HIM instead of losing life in the moments of fear.

God is so good!!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Is my Offense Offensive?

I know what you are thinking...Offense???? Is this a blog about football? Actually no it isn't but there is a reality that the Bears offense has been offensive as of late!

Anyway...I am thinking more of the offense of being a Christian. I am wondering if my Christian example is offensive or am I working active offense, protecting the "name" of Christian? Am I protecting the reality of Christ by my actions? My prayer is to not be offensive in my walk but to create a hunger for others to have what I have. I wonder how I am doing and what I need to do differently.

Christianity is about action. It is about relationship. It is about living out Christ in such a way that others want what I have. My actions need to be grace filled, loving. I think that I am doing a better job of being active and alert for what God has for me. I am not perfect, but then, I am not called to be perfect. I have been created and called to be who God wants me to be and to plant a seed that encourages others to live out what God wants for them too. My actions therefore need to point others to Christ instead of turning them away, be offensive.

Many times I say the wrong thing, act the wrong way. I have been offensive, or at least not Christ-like. There are some clear times where my actions were offensive to God and to others. There are others who claim to be Christians and then participate in offensive behavior. This makes it very difficult for Christians that work very hard to live out Christ's example. My walk has been bumpy and I have wandered in circles in the dessert, thinking I knew the way. It is offensive to God to think I know better than Him or to only half listen to what He is saying to me. Reality is that God knows the way and is the only way. He is very patient and loving. He gently whispers the directions that I need to take, not leaving me in the dessert alone.

My prayer is that I continue to be on the offense, protecting the name of Christ. I pray that my life lives out the mercy and grace of God. I pray that my actions not be offensive. So which are you...on offensive living out, protecting the Name of Jesus; or are your actions offensive to God?