Friday, July 13, 2018

All Actions have Consequences

This text speaks to all readers, but in different ways.  As an individual, one could realize from this passage the importance of learning from the past, learning from mistakes, remembering the provision of God, as well as why it is important to manage anger in appropriate ways.  How often do we as individuals mirror the behavior of the Israelites, whining and complaining to God about a need, yet forgetting that He has supplied before and will supply again?  One only needs to ask.  One tends to forget that God is ever present, willing to supply if only we ask.  Instead we complain and feel sorry for ourselves.  

    In regards to the thought “not sinning in your anger”, Moses struggled with anger issues from the start.  God patiently worked with him, as with others who struggle with anger.  Moses never really learned this lesson.  He'd been angry for at least forty years.  He left Egypt when his anger found him out.  He became angry at Pharaoh for not keeping his word over and over again.  He became angry over and over again at the Israelites.  This text provides the last straw for God regarding Moses lack of anger management.  

    As a leader, this passage speaks volumes to how one is to conduct him/herself.  As a leader, one's public act of disobedience shrinks God's glory.  Anger, disobedience and unbelief go hand in hand.  Actions speak louder than words.  Those in leadership live under a microscope. A leader's actions are always dissected and criticized.  Moses was no different.  Those following him reminded him over and over again of what they believed to be poor leadership skills, decisions.  He was constantly questioned and criticized for doing what God had directed him to do.  

   This is also a good lesson for leaders to realize that they are not indispensable.  Yahweh saw fit to remove Moses and replace him.  God, foreknowing the damage one sin could cause, was not found short-changed to meed the need that resulted from sin in the life of His leader.  While it is never God's will for one of His representatives to be disqualified, God in His holiness demands that His standards be upheld and replacements be made as necessary.

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